Land Use and Zoning

Scranton Zoning Attorneys
Northeastern Pennsylvania has experienced dynamic economic growth in recent years. As a result, communities and corporate interests are wrestling with a variety of issues involving land use and zoning. At Kreder Brooks Hailstone LLP in Scranton, our land use and zoning attorneys have the expertise to provide innovative and effective representation in all aspects of the subdivision, zoning, and land development process, including representation before municipal bodies, viewers, and the Pennsylvania Common Pleas and Appellate Courts. Our clients include permit applicants, developers, neighboring property owners, municipalities, and other local authorities.
As a firm providing a full range of legal services to our clients, Kreder Brooks Hailstone integrates the efforts of attorneys from throughout the firm to provide each client with effective and comprehensive service, and our land use and zoning lawyers often coordinate their efforts with those from complementary practice areas, such as:
- banking and finance
- business and corporate law
- economic development
- real estate
- state, local and municipal law
- tax planning
- non-profit organizations
The land use and zoning attorneys at Kreder Brooks Hailstone provide a broad range of legal services to businesses and individuals in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Stroudsburg, Honesdale, Milford, Tunkhannock, Carbondale, Hazelton and other communities throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. If you would like to speak with one of our land use and zoning attorneys, or if you have any questions about our firm or our services, please contact our office.