Elder Law

Pennsylvania Elder Law Lawyers
In Pennsylvania, and across the country, the cost of long-term health care is soaring beyond the reach of even relatively affluent families. At the same time, members of our society are living longer than ever before. These realities raise serious concerns for families.
At Kreder Brooks Hailstone LLP in Scranton, Pennsylvania, elder law attorneys assist our clients with strategies that will provide them with the highest possible level of dignity, quality of life and financial control in the event a family member suffers from a long-term illness or disability which requires nursing home or in-home care.
Elder planning strategies, if employed in advance of a long-term illness or disability as part of a comprehensive estate plan and power of attorney, may also provide means to preserve assets for heirs. In addition to helping a client craft a plan for long-term care, we can assist with preparation for Medicaid eligibility and the application process.
Several options are available to help families concerned about the needs of elder family members. In crafting your solution we will consider your goals, resources, and health concerns, and may suggest a supplemental needs trust, a guardianship, long-term care insurance, an early application for medical assistance or a variety of other strategies. We also will be happy to review your will, living will, and other estate planning instruments.
The elder law attorneys at Kreder Brooks Hailstone provide a broad range of legal services to families and individuals in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Stroudsburg, Honesdale, Milford, Tunkhannock, Carbondale, Hazelton and other communities throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. If you would like to speak with one of our elder law attorneys, or if you have any questions about our firm or our services, please contact our office.